I’m going to keep this short and simple. Basically because of two reasons: One, because it’s Friday morning and I was supposed to turn this in by er, Friday morning; and secondly because I’m finding it just too darn difficult to write something about myself.
Now a bit about the reading I do. It’s predominantly fiction. I swear by Harry Potter. I have no qualms in accepting that I would be a very different person without the presence of those seven books in my life. Like all others, I too treat Tolkien’s Lord of the Rings with a respect that borders on reverence. I’ve read CS Lewis’s Narnia series and in my opinion it would be quite difficult to find somebody else who writes so simply, yet so beautifully. Artemis Fowl, Eragon, Septimus Heap and the Bartimaeus trilogy are some books that I have really enjoyed. Among others I’ve also read a fair share of those Robert Ludlum ‘Spy/Ex CIA/Rogue FBI guy who saves the world in one night’ novels along with James Hadley Chase (I dig the girls on the cover. ;))
My favourite genre would have to be humour though. It all started with Oscar Wilde’s Importance of being Earnest. Then I fell in love with the writing of PG Wodehouse. Jeeves, Bertie Wooster and the pretentious cream of the English society have delighted me to no end. After that came Douglas Adams and his hitchhikers guide to the galaxy. He gave me the answer to life, the universe and everything and more importantly Marvin, the Paranoid Android! Things like improbability fields, babel fishes, total perspective vortexes, bistromathic drives.. I could just go on and on about the crazily funny stuff that man invented. And the final author to complete my trinity of humor is Terry Pratchett. The man is a living legend. If you enjoy reading humour you must pick up a book from his Discworld Series. Apart from this, I also indulge in a lot of comic book reading, Marvel and DC mainly. My favourite comic book strip is Calvin and Hobbes (Bill Watterson FTW). I’ve also read all the Tintin and Asterix books. (I believe that when it comes to word puns, nothing can beat an Asterix book)
When it comes to music, I listen to a bit of everything. Beatles to Eminem, it’s a pretty wide spread. I’m also a fan of old Hindi songs, Kishore Kumar, Rafi, Mannade and all. Of the nine gems my favourite artiste is Hemant Kumar, his being the first song I ever heard in this genre(Zara nazaro se kehdo ji, in case you were curious). I could sing pretty nicely at one time. I can’t any more. At my best, I’m a passable bathroom singer.
By now, it shouldn’t come as a surprise that I enjoy writing humour, though my attempts are sometimes so pathetic that it’s funny (Hey! Mission Accomplished). I’ll leave you to be the judge about the way I write though.
So that’s that. 600 odd words should be enough to gauge a man don’t you think? I hope you’ve gained some insight about me and my life. And don’t sweat it if you haven’t, I’m not that worth knowing anyway.
Hari Nair
Hari Nair